Search engine ranking


biggest search engine in China and Chinese-Baidu


Baidu-biggest search engine in China and Chinese

brief introduction

Baidu is a Chinese multinational technology company known for its internet-related services and products. Founded in 2000 by Robin Li and Eric Xu, Baidu is often referred to as the “Google of China” due to its dominance in the Chinese search engine market.

Baidu official site:

Baidu offers a wide range of services, including a search engine, online encyclopedia, mapping services, cloud storage, and artificial intelligence. The company’s search engine, Baidu Search, is the most widely used search engine in China, providing users with access to web pages, images, videos, and other online content. Baidu is also a major player in the development of autonomous driving technology and AI-powered services. With its focus on innovation and technology, Baidu has become a leading force in the Chinese tech industry.

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