shipfast reviews & alternatives 2024,feature,pros and cons,price

What is shipfast?

Ship your startup in days,not weeks! The NextJS boilerplate with all you need to build your SaaS, AI tool, or any other web app and make your first $ online fast.ShipFast is a full-stack web development framework designed to help developers quickly launch projects,it was create by Marc Lou, who is a solopreneur and indiehacker ! shipfast provides saas starter kit is a complete set of production-ready templates and tools, allowing developers to deliver entrepreneurial projects in just a few days instead of weeks. This framework includes all the necessary tools and knowledge, such as database, authentication, payment integration, SEO, styling, CD/CI pipeline, analytics, and monitoring.

shipfast official site:


In summary, ShipFast aims to simplify the challenges that startups face in today’s fast-paced digital landscape by providing quick and comprehensive tools and resources to help developers quickly launch and scale their web applications.

ShipFast also offers a practical course in full-stack web development, helping developers understand how various tools and configurations work together, with clear documentation, explanations, and videos of the concepts behind the code.

Additionally, ShipFast emphasizes its modular design, allowing developers to easily swap out external services, such as email marketing providers. It also provides a user-friendly interface, so even if developers are not familiar with certain features, they can start building projects immediately without delving into every detail.shipfast

feature pros and cons

Key Features of ShipFast include:

1. **Rapid Deployment**: ShipFast is designed to accelerate the development process, allowing you to deploy your app quickly.

2. **Full-Stack Web App Template**: It provides a pre-built, fully featured template that is ready for production, which includes all the necessary tools and configurations needed to build a startup.

3. **Practical Course**: It serves as a practical course in full-stack web development, showing you how different components work together and providing real-world experience.

4. **Modular Design**: The framework is modular, making it easy to swap out components, such as marketing email providers, with alternatives that better suit your needs.

5. **External Services Integration**: It comes with integration for various external services that have generous free tiers, so you can start without worrying about payments until you’re profitable.

6. **Authentication and Authorization**: Includes basic authentication with registration and login, as well as protected routes and user profile management.

7. **Database Integration**: Supports database solutions like MongoDB, with schemas and models ready to use.

8. **SEO Optimization**: Ensures that your web app is optimized for search engines right from the start.

9. **Styling and UI Components**: Offers styling options and UI components to help you build a consistent and attractive user interface.

10. **CD/CI Pipeline**: Includes a continuous deployment and integration pipeline to streamline the deployment process.

11. **Analytics and Monitoring**: Integrates with tools for analytics and monitoring to help you track user behavior and quickly identify and fix issues.

12. **Lifetime Updates**: Provides ongoing updates to ensure that the framework stays current with the latest web development practices and technologies.

13. **Community Support**: Access to a community, such as a Discord channel, where you can get help and collaborate with other developers.

14. **Documentation**: Comprehensive documentation to guide you through setting up and using the framework effectively.

15. **Customizability**: While it comes with great defaults, it allows for customization to fit specific use cases.

These features make ShipFast a comprehensive solution for developers looking to quickly build and launch web applications with a robust set of functionalities and a focus on best practices in web development.

plan and price 

Save hours of repetitive code, ship fast, get profitable!


f &q

What do I get exactly?
1/ The NextJS starter with all the boilerplate code you need to run an online business: a payment system, a database, login, a blog, UI components, and much more.
The repo is available in:
– Javascript and Typescript
– /app router and /pages router.

2/ The documentation helps you set up your app from scratch, write copy that sells, and ship fast.

3/ Access to our Discord with makers who build fast to stay accountable!

Javascript or Typescript?
Both! You can choose once you get access

/app router or /pages router?
Both! You can choose once you get access

My tech stack is different, can I still use it?
Yes, as long as you’re comfortable with React & NextJS.

Libraries are independent. You can use SendGrid instead of Mailgun, LemonSqueezy instead of Stripe, or Postgres instead of MongoDB, for instance.

Is it a website template?
It’s more than just a template. You can copy/paste sections to build your site quickly, like a pricing section, an FAQ, and even an entire blog. You also get a bunch of UI components like buttons, modals, popovers, etc.

The NextJS starter also comes with handy tools you need to run an online business—payment processing, emails, SEO, etc.

How is ShipFast better than other boilerplates?
Customers do NOT buy code.

Customers buy a life transformation.

They ship startups. Every week. And they make $ from it.

ShipFast Discord conversation of a maker sharing a success

Are there any other costs associated?
Many hosting platforms, like Vercel, let you host a project for free (front-end + back-end) and MongoDB/Supabase have free tiers — so you can launch for first app for $0/month.

If you use Magic Link sign-ups, you’ll spend $1 per 1,000 users.

How often is ShipFast updated?
I ship like a madman & use ShipFast for all my projects, so I’m updating it regularly. Last update 1 week ago.

Can I get a refund?
After you’ve got access to the repo, ShipFast is yours forever, so it can’t be refunded.

But rest assured, users of ShipFast ship startups in 7 days on average and make their first $ online in record time.

ShipFast Discord conversations of makers earning money with ShipFast

Can I use PayPal?
Yes! You can send over the USD equivalent of the plan you want to purchase ($169 or $199) to my PayPal account:

Once done, please email me your GitHub username so I can give you access to the repo.

Please allow a few hours to get access.

45k people trust me on Twitter. I’m not running away with the money 😊

introduce from Marc 

Hey, it’s Marc 👋

In 2018, I believed I was Mark Zuckerberg, built a startup for 1 year, and got 0 users…

A few years after my burnout, I restarted the journey differently: I shipped like a madman—16 startups in 2 years. Now I’m happy and earn $45,000 a month.

I realized I was doing the same thing over and over: set up DNS records, listen to Stripe webhooks, design pricing section… So I built ShipFast for 3 reasons:

  • Save time and focus on what matters: building a business
  • Avoid headaches like emails ending in spam or handling Stripe subscriptions
  • Get profitable fast—the more you ship, the more you learn, the more you earn

65,000+ people trust me on Twitter, Product Hunt awarded me Maker of the Year 2023, and 3360 indie makers are using ShipFast to launch startups quickly, scroll to see what they say.

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